Overview Big Five www
Precise and statistically valid personality analysis

Big Five analysis

Insight in personality. Strengths, areas of development, potential, and motivation. An efficient tool for self-management, management, and motivation. Gain insight in yourself, your employees, customers, and people in general!

Big Five personality analysis

A short introduction - download folder

Big 5 folder UK

From analysis to insight and perception

Price: 3,500 DKK per analysis. Including online analysis followed by a thorough 1-on-1 readback of at least 1-1.5 hours. In person, online, or by phone.
Price: 5,500 DKK per analysis. Including all of the above as well as reporting back to the management.

Big Five brings insight into a person's personality traits, divided into five factors:

  • Need for stability (Neuroticism)
  • Extroversion
  • Openness
  • Accommodation
  • Conscientiousness

The composition of the five factors gives a clear view of a person's personality. it also help you to understand yourself in relation to people around you, and to understand other people. If you are willing, the self-knowledge will open you to a greater understanding and acceptance of other personalities than yourself.

Use the personality analysis for self-knowledge, employees, recruitment, and understanding customers.

The analysis compares your personality traits with all of humanity:

  • How worried are you? How quickly do you get angry? Do people see you as warm or cold? Compared to others
  • How open and imaginative are you? How accommodating are you? Compared to others 
  • How conscientious are you? How good are you at method, systematics, and concentrating? And what can you do about it?
  • You will get the opportunity to understand yourself, your potential, and your limitations, and how they are handled
  • You can become better at handling stress, joy, and people that are very different from you
  • Get the answer to where you are most similar to other people, and where you differ the most from the majority
  • Your expanded self-knowledge may lead to better communication, cooperation, and interaction with people


  • Should your employee have other assignments to fulfil his/her potential completely?
  • How is your team of employees put together? - do they match?
  • Is the employee the right person for the assignments?
  • Find out how to best manage the employees' personalities
  • Get the tools to motivate every employee, and find out what demotivates them
  • Plus many other advantages that are left out due to readability and lack of space!


  • Understand the candidate's personality and likely behaviour
  • Assess if the personality fits the function and the colleagues
  • Use the analysis as a tool for investigation during the job interview
  • You often hire people on their skills, but fire them due to their personality - use the personality analysis to avoid hiring the wrong people
  • Discover the depth of the candidate's self-knowledge by using the analysis as a door opener
  • Plus many other advantages that are left out due to readability and lack of space!

Understanding customers:
A derived result of the personality analysis is that you improve the interaction with customers

  • Get (some of) the answer to why customers react and act so differently
  • Read the customers quickly, in physical meetings and on the phone
  • Adjust your communication to the customer's personality
  • Understand the customer's personality to better understand how much time the customer needs to make a decision
  • Faster and more efficient communication with customers!
  • When you understand the customer, it is far more likely that the customer really feels understood!
  • Plus many other advantages that are left out due to readability and lack of space!

Read much more about Big Five and the theories below!

Many of those, who choose to get analyses of all employees in the team, combine the analyses with a united feedback and report to both the management and all of the employees.
Price: DKK 2,500 per hour. Read more on consultancy here.