Boot Camp – sales education
Go on a the journey into the reality of sales and self-knowledge on SalesPilots' Boot Camp. You and your colleagues travel for 4 entire days into the most important psychological and practical tools in sales. Prepare yourselves for an intense, insisting, and inspiring journey!
You will fly deep into the reality of sales and on the last day arrive at the destination as a true Pilot in Sales and members of the (sales) elite. You are allowed to get excited beforehand!
- Location of your choice
- 4 days
- 120,000 DKK
Boot Camp - sales education
You and your colleagues board on a journey to understanding yourselves and your customers the reality of sales. During our fligth of 4 days and 3 nights, you receive the most important technical and mental tools in the trade of sales. This education is targeted any company in business to business sales.
Boot Camp takes you high and far with lots of mental G-forces. You are active from morning til evening.
Invest in your sales and notice the difference!
Decision facilitation
Decision facilitation: You will receive knowledge and insight in how people and organisations make decisions. You learn how you help them towards good and faster decisions. Decision facilitation is a method that leads the customer to a faster clarification on if they want to buy and what they want to buy. Both you and the customer save time and energy on indecisiveness.
Decision facilitation is "to hurry up slowly" and being the customer's navigator in the decision - regardless if the customer lands on your product or not. It is efficient, creates loyalty, and is far more timesaving than traditional presentation techniques and sales pitches. You receive lots of practical exercises, examples, and the opportunity to immerse yourselves.
Psychology & behaviour
Psychology: When you attend the Boot Camp, you and your colleagues will discover that a large part of the teaching takes off in psychology. You will take a mental journey into yourselves, where you may meet both fear and ego in yourselves as salespeople. You will become so aware that you will navigate better when you sell, in a way that your feelings will never inhibit you anymore.
You will learn methods to take responsibility for yourselves and your sales, and each of you will define your values as salespeople, and when you have succeeded as salespeople.
The goal is that you will become (even more) proud of your trade and even become happy salespeople!
Order technique
Order technique: On the last day of the Boot Camp you get the fundamental techniques, methods, and systems for qualification, calls, meetings, and quotations. We build the basis of success in sales on three things. Self-knowledge, that sales is a trade, and a methodical and systematic approach. Order technique is the purely methodical, systematical, and technical part of the sales effort and requires no talent, self-knowledge or deep insight. All you have to do to succeed in order technique, is to do it and do it systematically and consistently.
How do you qualify customers efficiently? How do you technically prepare for calls and meetings? How do you put together an efficient quotation? Order technique consists of this and much more.
The techniques are connected to the first days of training, and everything will fall into place for you.
The entirety will be experienced as larger than the sum of the 4 days, your company invested in the Boot Camp!
Customers' experiences:
"A fantastic education. Fierce, intense, educational, eye opening, provocative. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED!"
- Rune Lind Pedersen, ITW GSE
“Sales is a profession - and I am proud of my profession! An intense education with SalesPilots has just come to an end. It's been tough and at times frustrating. But if you choose customer over order, I recommend that you and your organisation buy this education.
Personally, I have gained great self awareness and have boosted the values that I believe in.
If you are searching for a totally different approach to sales than you have ever tried before, you should call SalesPilots!”
- Rasmus Jelle, IT Relation
"Det mest interessante, udfordrende og inspirerende kursus i salg, jeg nogensinde har været på. - Jeg er vild med SalgsPiloternes vinkel på salg"
- Jesper Jakobsen, SONNE
"I liked that I was challenged. I am more motivated now. Have never been a sales man before, but now I want to sell!"
- Jacob Axelsen, Rezolto
"It has been an amazing journey into myself with regards to redefining sales and getting a whole new perspective."
- Torben Feldbak, netIP
"Really professional. I love how Tony's brave enough to being 100% himself. Amazing how everything is thought out. I have received so much knowledge, good ideas, inspiration, and motivation. Thank you so much!"
- Helene Andersen, www.heleneandersen.com

What do you pay DKK 120,000 for?!
- Pre-meeting (phone/online/physically) with the trainer about content and form
- 4 full educational days and 3 nights of sales, psychology, decision facilitation, and order technique
- Always well-prepared and vigorous trainer
- SP table sign in pure aluminium
- SP Flight Tag
- Red wings as proof of passing
- Queen of hearts card
- SP best advice
- Decision facilitation
- Mental challenges by ex-special forces trainer
- All material electronically to keep for good
- Diploma
- Evaluation (phone/online/physically)
Knowledge lounge
- All
- Blog
- Videoblog
- Free tools